Jon Knutson - Top REALTOR Phoenix AZ 85014 1515 Bethany Home Rd #142 Central Phoenix Real Estate Agent Mo-Su 09:00-17:00 (480) 338-1715 531210 33.52 -112.04
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Phoenix Housing Blog

6 Feb 2019

Home Improvements That Could Lower Your Home Value

If you want to add instant value to your home, making home improvements is the most obvious answer.  But is it possible that some improvements can actually LOWER the value of your home? Yes, it’s absolutely true, there are a

3 Jan 2019

Planning To Buy or Sell in 2019?

“The best time to buy a home is always five years ago.”  –Ray Brown.
If I could go back 5 years and buy more property would I? Absolutely, wouldn’t you? Unfortunately we can’t time travel (yet), so the next best option

4 Dec 2018

Market Conditions Changing

If you haven’t heard, the real estate market is shifting.  I’ve had a lot of questions lately on the state of the market and where it’s going.  Is it a good time to buy, sell or hold? Is there panic? 

20 Nov 2018

6 Ways to #Fail at Negotiating Price

You’ve looked at enough houses to fill an entire season of House Hunters and finally picked one to buy. Now you’re ready to make an offer. As an agent, I’m here to guide you through this nail-biting phase of negotiating the price of the

19 Oct 2018

Hilarious Real Stories From Real Estate Agents

Home shopping is actually a pretty funny thing. You see, as a Realtor I spend a LOT of time going in and out of people’s homes, coordinating odd schedules, and working with all walks of life. When thrown into the

24 Sep 2018

Set the Wheels in Motion to Buy A Home

Starting the home buying process can present its fair share of challenges and obstacles – especially for first timers. Fortunately, you won’t be the first person to run into these home buying roadblocks and you certainly won’t be the last. So

15 Aug 2018

What’s Negotiable in Real Estate?

Everything. The end.
OK maybe not EVERYTHING, but pretty darn close! As I’ve learned, no two situations are the same, and no two homes are identical. While many parts of a home sale are considered “standard”, there’s also a lot of

23 Jul 2018

Top 5 Most Expensive Homes 2018

There has been no shortage of downright outlandish homes sold so far in 2018 in Arizona.  From virtual golf simulators to a taxidermy museum, to indoor basketball courts and a property with FIVE kitchens, you are not going to want to miss

6 Jun 2018

Market Update – No, it’s not another bubble

Home price have been rising for years on end.  Buyers in bidding wars and paying over asking price just to get their hands on a piece of property.  Sounds like another bubble is coming?
Not quite. It’s easy to think that

20 May 2018

9 Things You Shouldn’t Do When Buying a Home

Buying a home is exciting but oh-so terrifying.  After all it’s usually one of the biggest financial moves most people ever make. So while there’s lots of opinion on what you SHOULD do, it’s Important not to forget the laundry