Jon Knutson - Top REALTOR Phoenix AZ 85014 1515 Bethany Home Rd #142 Central Phoenix Real Estate Agent Mo-Su 09:00-17:00 (480) 338-1715 531210 33.52 -112.04
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Market Update – Fall 2024

Whether it still feels like a broiler outside or not, the fall season is technically here. While we don’t see a lot of leaves changing color in Phoenix, the colors

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Selling a Home in 2024 – What to Expect

The only constant is change – that is certainly the case for home buyers and sellers dipping their toes into the real estate market this year. With uncertain market changes

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Major Changes to Home Buyer and Seller Costs: Explained

Whether you’ve heard about the new changes made to buying and selling real estate or not, the time has come for these changes to officially go into effect. As of

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Top 5 Most Expensive Homes Sold 2024

As the Phoenix real estate market puts the finishing touches on another spring market, the Phoenix mansion scene saw some stunning properties change hands.  With 15 properties in the valley

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The Best Week to List a House

The best week to list a home for sale is…well, right now. In honor of the report that proclaims the best time of the year to sell a property

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Major Changes to Home Buying Costs.

Massive changes announced on Friday will impact the way homes are bought in a big way. For home buyers, there are a few critical items that you need to know

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Market Update

As we enter the customary busy spring season in Arizona real estate, the market is sending mixed signals. We are seeing buyer demand increase with slightly reduced interest rates and

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Previously Owned vs New Construction

If you could only choose one, which of these homes would you prefer: Home #1) A home with a gorgeous chef’s kitchen and smart home technology, but a smaller plain

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What To Expect in 2024

As 2023 gives us it’s swan song, it’s time to look ahead to next years real estate market. A few factors could be at play over the next year, and

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Rates…It’s all we seem to hear these days. The Phoenix real estate market has been affected by interest rates in some unexpected ways. New home builders are bulldozing their way

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